
There are many different hormones that regulate a multitude of different functions in the body.  In this section we will discuss the class of hormones referred to as Sex Hormones.  Each of these hormones exist in both men and women in varying amounts and include DHEA, Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone.  In addition, the hormone referred to as Estrogen is actually three different hormones, Estrone, Estradiol and Estriol.

DHEA is a “building block” hormone and is produced primarily in the adrenal glands. In women, the estrogens must not only be in the normal range, they must also be in the appropriate ratio with progesterone.  This is because the estrogens and progesterone are kind of like the “yin” and the “yang” of hormone balance.  Estrogen is excitatory, whereas progesterone is inhibitory.  Estrogen is inflammatory, whereas progesterone is anti-inflammatory.  Extrogen is proliferative (meaning incites tissue growth such as fibroids, tumors and cancer), whereas progesterone is anti-proliferative.

Since the role of a woman’s body in particular changes with the varying roles she plays over the course of her lifetime, her hormonal balance must change with the changes in her life.  Bethany Hayes, M.D., a very well-respected OB-GYN who lectures around the world, states that because of a woman’s role in procreation she must carry toxic levels of hormones in a very carefully choreographed balance throughout her reproductive life.  It is only after menopause that a woman is finally able to function with normal healthy hormone levels.

However, many women have a very difficult time with hormonal balance throughout the reproductive portion of their life and/or in perimenopause and menopause.  Many of these difficulties can result from poor diet and lifestyle choices.  For example, the Harvard Nurses’ Study found that women who eat as little as one serving of french fries or chicken nuggets daily have a 40% decrease in their fertility.  Many other diet and lifestyle choices can also affect hormone balance.

Not only must each hormone remain within the normal range for that hormone, a balanced ratio between these hormones is also necessary in order to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer and other diseases.  For example, the ratio between testosterone and estrogen plus progesterone determines the “Breast Proliferation Index”, which reflects the likelihood of a woman developing fibrocystic breast disease or breast cancer.  In addition, the ratio between estrogen and progesterone determines the “Uterine Proliferation Index”, which reflects the likelihood of a woman developing uterine fibroids or uterine cancer.

Not only is a balanced production of hormones necessary for health; proper metabolism and detoxification of hormones is also necessary.  Estrogen, whether your body makes it or you take it (such as in a pill, lotion or spray), needs to be detoxified before it can be eliminated from the body, otherwise it rises to toxic levels.  There are healthy and unhealthy pathways that estrogen can follow as it is being detoxified and eliminated from the body.  Some women (and some men too) are predisposed to producing unhealthy estrogen metabolites.  And such chemicals, even though they’re made by your own body, have been found to increase the risk of certain cancers in women as well as in men.

Not only do some women suffer from menopause, which is due to declining levels of hormones; men also suffer from a similar condition called andropause, which is typically related to declining levels of testosterone.  This causes symptoms such as depression, lack of motivation, lack of energy, and “couch potato syndrome”.

The typical medical approach to hormone decline is based upon the “replacement model” and consists of merely giving the patient more of whatever hormone they are deficient in.  A more effective approach than the “replacement model” is referred to as the “functional model” approach.  In this approach the doctor has a deeper understanding of the body’s hormonal physiology and attempts to discover why an individual has a hormonal deficiency.  Sometimes the deficiency is the result of nutritional deficiencies or an inefficient metabolic pathway that can be made more efficient with appropriate nutritional support.  Sometimes the deficiency arises from diet or lifestyle choices, overweight or other factors. And sometimes of course the cause is surgery.

At Baxter Health Center we endeavor to identify all relevant factors and deal with the causes whenever possible.  If such conditions are not a factor, then we can still provide the patient with additional natural bio-identical hormones, which are much safer than the synthetic drug company alternatives.

Hormone balance is necessary not only for optimal physical health, but also for optimal mental and emotional health as well.  You can read more about the impact hormones have on mental and emotional health under the tab called “Brain” in the menu bar above.

At Baxter Health Center we base all of our strategies for balancing the sex hormones on modern laboratory testing of our patient’s saliva.  We find that saliva tests provide results that are more consistent, more accurate, more revealing and more pertinent to our patient’s condition than blood tests are.  In addition, you can perform the test in your own home without having to make a special trip to a lab.  At Baxter Health Office we provide safe, effective and natural treatment for hormone balance problems.  Call us today so we can help you achieve hormone balance in your life once again.

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Baxter Health Center - A Touch Above
6053 S Fort Apache Road, Suite 100
Las Vegas, Nevada 89148

702-233-1100 Main
702-891-8866 Fax

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