Our Mission
Chances are you’re visiting this web page to learn more about your condition and how we can help, or you are looking for ways to optimize your health and you don’t want to wait until you have a problem before you start improving your health. Whatever your reason for seeking care, we’re here to help.
At Baxter Health Center we don’t just focus on treating the symptom; we also focus on the cause. We treat many different types of conditions including musculo-skeletal problems like back & neck pain & headaches, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, diabetes & autoimmune disease. We also help patients achieve healthy body composition with long-term weight loss, and help them as well with effective, natural treatment of hormone imbalance with bio-identical hormones, as well as natural treatment of other hormone imbalance problems involving the adrenal and thyroid glands.
Perhaps most importantly, we understand how many of these problems relate to each other. This is the science of “Functional Medicine”. For example, weight problems can contribute to sex hormone imbalance, inflammation and autoimmune disease. Thyroid problems often go unrecognized and undiagnosed in spite of common laboratory tests and can develop as a result of sex hormone imbalance. And thyroid problems can also cause or contribute to high cholesterol. As a result of our ability to understand the interrelatedness of the body’s different systems, we are usually able to obtain long-term correction of your problem.
Please read our other pages that relate more specifically to your primary area of interest so you can understand how at Baxter Health Center “We Shape Health, Not Just Backs”. Then call us for an appointment so we can join our efforts with yours in your quest for improved health.